Gammel historie som virrer rundt på FB … 780532 kilometer
Emilio Scotto holds the Guinness World Record for the longest ever journey by a motorcycle, covering over 485,000 miles and 232 countries and territories, from January 17, 1985, to April 2, 1995.
• Two consecutive circumnavigations of the world
• 10 years, two months and 19 days on the road
• Six continents, including 232 countries, in 485,000 miles
• One replacement engine
• 12,500 gallons of gasoline
• 300 gallons of oil
• 11 passports of 64 pages each, when pasted together, stretch more than 6 feet in length
• 86 tires
• 12 batteries
• 9 seats
• Imprisoned six times (once in the USA, five times in Africa)
• 15 traffic fines (13 in California, one in New York and one in Argentina, on the day of his homecoming)
• Robbed five times (Brazil, Mexico City, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, China)
• Target of gunfire two times
• Two traffic accidents (Yugoslavia, Tanzania)
• Nine collisions (with a man, a taxi, a deer, an eagle, a baboon, a pig, an emu, two dogs and innumerable insects)
• One major earthquake, two tornadoes, four hurricanes
• Three major illnesses, including malaria
• 90,000 photographs
Link: ... the-world/
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